Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Walk With Me

Johnson Creek Bridge Link Park Trail
I need to apologize to my friends and family who have wondered if I disappeared. I flew up to Wisconsin to get our son. We took a road trip back to Texas, and once we got here we have been so busy I have not updated these wonderful folks on how we are doing. 
 Hey, we made it!
"Pallid Spiny Soft-Shelled Turtles" Hey Dad, wait up!
Here in Blogland you did not know I was gone, because I wrote up some posts to publish while I was gone. I am such a sneaky dog.
Good Ol' "Painted Turtle"
A big THANK YOU out to the folks who let us stay with them, and blessed our socks off. 
 "Dear S" let our son stay with them, so he could finish out his senior year in Wisconsin, Wow! 
 "Dear N" shared her grandmother's embroidered quilt with me, and sent me home with fresh Rosemary. 
 I know, no photos! Tsk, tsk, tsk. 
 "Dear D" and crew got us all rested up for the trip back.

 Those of you who showered us with hugs and good wishes a big virtual hug back to you.
Why does this turtle have moss on his shell? That cannot be healthy.
Can you see the fish?
It is crazy getting another young man settled into our Texas place. Furniture, and job hunting, and goofing off, woohoo!
"White Egret"  These guys are all over the place, even Dallas.
Dear J this one is for you.
Little Miss has started joining me on my morning walk.
Morning light over the creek.  Definitely not the desert.
We have a set of three parks near us which are really two joined by a "linear" park that is a narrow strip alongside a highway through a nature reserve. It is nicely done with signs, benches, and bubblers. What an ingenious way to keep the wildlife safe while still letting people enjoy it. My knee loves the smooth pavement, and there are loads of bicyclists, joggers, and dog walkers enjoying it also.
Over a dozen different wildflowers are blooming in the prairie portion right now.
This grass is "blooming" with dew.
It is our little bit of peace and quiet before our home really starts hopping.
The second bridge goes over a wetland area that feels like a different world.
This post is also for those folks who think we moved to the desert. See, we have woods, wetlands, and prairie. 
 They are even all in this one trail! 
This tree is even bigger than our Weeping Willow in Wisconsin.
Go ahead and say that five times really fast!
A little beforehand notice, I will be switching back to my previous blog. In the next post I will be sharing a direct link and fun vintage goodie.

Thank You All, Love and Hugs!

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