Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Splendid Sign

There is nothing I can say about this sign.  It speaks for itself.

To be honest this building has a lot going on for it.  There are at least four different signs that have apparently nothing to do with each other.  Then again, one does say "girls", so maybe that should be "Hi... Hoe".  Was it a nightclub run by dwarves?

You simply have to love the fact that they made the extra effort to put twinkles in around the words.


  1. Wow! That has art gallery written all over it! With maybe a dessert counter. That is something I dream would be fun. I saw a car the other day in mint condition that would have matched! But in a delightful green color: http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.sportscaradvisors.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/07/red-impala-1960-hot-car.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.sportscaradvisors.com/lifestyle-events/bear-mountain-car-show-cruise-night-may-20-2009&h=768&w=1024&sz=120&tbnid=4XqWLDRNDQ9PFM:&tbnh=90&tbnw=120&zoom=1&usg=__Tx4jQgz5jSncUggNOvllsaHTRNA=&docid=rBxxjgvBWbqO6M&sa=X&ei=Y5g3UYy2JuTLyQHB0oHoBg&ved=0CFgQ9QEwCw&dur=406

  2. Well that link didn't work the way I expected, but you can cut and paste it into the address bar...it's good picture!

    1. Loooove the car! Do you remember Mike's "66 Ford, and getting stuck in Madison?

  3. I LOVE that sign. I was thinking grocery store - maybe that was Hi Lo? Why are business signs not this fab anymore?

    1. Yes, current signs definitely need a bit of fab!


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