Sunday, March 24, 2013

Yellow Texas Ware Sun Plate and Golden Friends

Imagine my surprise to find that this striking melamine plate is Texas Ware.  It appears hand drawn, but was actually a decal applied by the company.  I would love some more information on it, because I can find absolutely no information for it online.   I did find out that Texas Ware was made right here in the Dallas area.  

A dear friend who understands my love for vintage plates and decorating with them wrote a poem for me.

Plates on the wall
each smooth, round
with no end in sight.

Pictures and images of life
colored so varitable
gives dreams of a new
place of beyond.

Design of an artist
sets ones mind all a flutter
and calms ones mind
of another...

Place to be
and things to do
ideas to feel.

How I love my plates
on the wall.

This flower still had its label on it in a local courtyard,  Carolina Jasmine.  We are starting to have so many flowers blooming, that I cannot keep up with photographing them.  Every time I go out I am surprised by blossoms that are familiar and new.
My your day be full of blossoming surprises and poetic moments.
Speaking of poetic, this is a lovely sunny post, right?.  I am trying to focus on sunny positive things instead of the fact that a surprise blizzard blowing in stranded our teenage son in Chicago's Union Station yesterday, and it took three hours to find a way to rescue him.  
Praise God for beautiful (close by) friends!

I will be getting my boy two days late for spring break, but at least he is safe and sound.  AND, he is having too much fun to talk to his folks on the telephone.


  1. I love Texas ware but have never seen this plate!

  2. Crazy plate! Not much for that design....not country enough maybe? Hee!! and you are right - why orange??? Red is much better, of course;) And yes - we r having too much company and fun to talk to you very long - hee! Glad you could lend us your boy for a couple days - he did great hauling wood too!! Love you lots!!

  3. yes he was!! My mother is right. We had lots of fun! Tell miss M hi for me!:)


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